Thursday, April 28, 2016

Stuck on fastboot mode ? Check this how easy is this.

Hello, so i was working on my p1 and acidently flash wrong file and my huawei doesnt boot so i can go only on huawei fastboot so what i do ? its easy i think the huawei update pack with do something so start downloading it and put on sd card and i try to flash but what ? its say something error i try all the flash from huawei support no one from them doesnt work on my case so i decide to make some fastboot easy commands. But for you guys i decide to make it more easy so i put all my things on one program so everyone can work with it.The firmware i used to recover or better to say the base of this room is B194 and is Stock Rom nothing modified.

Must have adb or fastbooot installed on you pc if not my program offer you to install.
The pc must know your device you have a button check on my device (in my program if is there you device than you have good chance).
A cable .
And Brain most important.

Uploading on MEGA.

And this problem fix issue like mine if your device dont boot, if your device dont take stock rooms from sd card, if your device stay only on fastboot mode.

from xda-developers

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