LiquidSmooth is an aftermarket firmware based on the Android Open Source Project.
Dedicated to providing users with smooth, stable and fast ROMs. A Lightweight modified AOSP base, and then add the features you crave!
While we make every effort to test these builds as much as possible, we are not responsible for anything that may happen to your device.
We ask that you do your part to know your device and know how to recover from problems before you flash!
Features RRO layers
All LiquidSmooth features
- Android-6.0.0_r26 (MDB08M) -
- LiquidDark (CM-Base) Kernel -
- Build with UBERTC toolchains -
- Download Center -
- Layers -
- Battery and Notification Lights -
- Status bar clock customization
- Status bar brightness control -
- Status bar customization Quick Settings -
- Status bar tap to sleep -
- Navbar customization -
- LCD Density -
- Blacklist -
- Quick pulldown listpreference -
- Weather display to status bar -
- Listanimation Views and Interpolator -
- AOKP Custom System animations -
- App Circle Sidebar -
- Custom Carrier label -
- Advanced Reboot -
- Battery text mode -
- Live Volume Steps -
- Volume key cursor control -
- Network speed indicator -
- Clear recents button -
- Back button app kill -
- Toast Animations -
- LiquidDark Wallpaper app -
- CM LockClock -
- Slim Recents -
- Live Display -
- Get more RAM and faster responses by disabling verify-bytecode! -
ChangeLog -initial release
- up-to-date with the source
The changes are seen in Github
http://ift.tt/1OZhiY3 - Download Rom And GAPPS.
- Boot Into Recovery
- Perform A Full Wipe (you don't have to wipe your internal SD)
- Flash Rom & GAPPS.
- Have Fun!!!
ROM GAPPS - You can use any GAPPS
bugs same as cm13
for any other bugs...let me know and do provide a log!
Me :p
Kernel Source:-
http://ift.tt/2afvb5bXDA:DevDB InformationLIQUID DARK ROM For Redmi 2, ROM for the Xiaomi Redmi 2ContributorschaubeyprateekROM OS Version: 2.3.x Gingerbread
Version InformationStatus: Stable
Current Stable Version: 1
Stable Release Date: 2016-07-31
Created 2016-07-31
Last Updated 2016-07-31
from xda-developers http://ift.tt/2azVLre