UNBRICK lG G2 F320L/K/S and maybe all LG G2
did your G2 stock and logo and no download mode or anything but logo in it ? heres u gonna do
plug ur device and edit the usb port to COM41 follow this steps and download also the necesarry files in here ok because u migth need it in this tutorial
NOTE: follow only the replacing COM41 process ok and also download the tot file that u only need ok dnt mind the DLL because it is already modified for all LG
and if u have problem in crossDL errors pls edit ur TOT file by HxD hex editor google it
now ur on ur editing of TOT file so example ur device is LG-D802 adn u want it to put back to LG-F320L but ur having error saying crossDL [D802] to [F320L]
u need to do is edit this lines
hex edit for TOT file using HxD editor
hexa edit the .tot file
Because of my mistakes i have flagged the phone with the F320L version. In .tot file for your phone version you have the reference of the model.
For example: Your version is D802 but for mistake you flash F320L.
You need download the D802 tot file and edit it with one Hex Editor.
If you are in Linux Bless is the better! In windows you have a lot of offers. Hex Editor XVI32 and HxD the Editor are the better's.
Open the tot file with the editor and use replace tool to change the vLG-D802... to vLG-F320L..
Care with the dot at the end of D802, you need replace it to not to change the item size.
Look at this:
D802: 44 38 30 32
F320L: 46 33 32 30 4c, we have one more hex code here
In tot you have something like this:
D802 -> 44 38 30 32 00
and you will need to replace for F320L -> 46 33 32 30 4c (this is the most important step, if you increase or decrease the file size you will get error in flashtools)
and maybe ull stuck in fastboot mode of ur LG G2 and splendid do not turn it off u need this
download this device
and open this SRK tool
look for options number 4 called fixed utillity
then look for option number 4 again called Fixed Recovery Mode - via fastboot mode (No Recovery,Can't Boot)
and just follow the instructions just hit Y or type Y and wait for ur LG to boot again and ur fastboot is repaired
and u will notice ur computer will detect alot of partitions and thats the time to go to 4th step
go back to main menu of ur SKR tool and USE the option 5 the called other utility
and in the 2nd menu go to option 5 the called unbrick (qshsusb_bulk)
OR follow this TUT
and pls take note and remember what DISK number is ur partition the one that i been detected the one thats to many ok and just follow the instructions in the SKR tool
and wait for it to reboot again and togo 5th step
go back to this site and follow all their instructons here ok and ull DONE hehe jsut remember to use ur edited TOT file ok
tell me if it works on you guys
CREDITS to the threads in here i just modified the threads
did your G2 stock and logo and no download mode or anything but logo in it ? heres u gonna do
plug ur device and edit the usb port to COM41 follow this steps and download also the necesarry files in here ok because u migth need it in this tutorial
NOTE: follow only the replacing COM41 process ok and also download the tot file that u only need ok dnt mind the DLL because it is already modified for all LG
and if u have problem in crossDL errors pls edit ur TOT file by HxD hex editor google it
now ur on ur editing of TOT file so example ur device is LG-D802 adn u want it to put back to LG-F320L but ur having error saying crossDL [D802] to [F320L]
u need to do is edit this lines
hex edit for TOT file using HxD editor
hexa edit the .tot file
Because of my mistakes i have flagged the phone with the F320L version. In .tot file for your phone version you have the reference of the model.
For example: Your version is D802 but for mistake you flash F320L.
You need download the D802 tot file and edit it with one Hex Editor.
If you are in Linux Bless is the better! In windows you have a lot of offers. Hex Editor XVI32 and HxD the Editor are the better's.
Open the tot file with the editor and use replace tool to change the vLG-D802... to vLG-F320L..
Care with the dot at the end of D802, you need replace it to not to change the item size.
Look at this:
D802: 44 38 30 32
F320L: 46 33 32 30 4c, we have one more hex code here
In tot you have something like this:
D802 -> 44 38 30 32 00
and you will need to replace for F320L -> 46 33 32 30 4c (this is the most important step, if you increase or decrease the file size you will get error in flashtools)
and maybe ull stuck in fastboot mode of ur LG G2 and splendid do not turn it off u need this
download this device
and open this SRK tool
look for options number 4 called fixed utillity
then look for option number 4 again called Fixed Recovery Mode - via fastboot mode (No Recovery,Can't Boot)
and just follow the instructions just hit Y or type Y and wait for ur LG to boot again and ur fastboot is repaired
and u will notice ur computer will detect alot of partitions and thats the time to go to 4th step
go back to main menu of ur SKR tool and USE the option 5 the called other utility
and in the 2nd menu go to option 5 the called unbrick (qshsusb_bulk)
OR follow this TUT
and pls take note and remember what DISK number is ur partition the one that i been detected the one thats to many ok and just follow the instructions in the SKR tool
and wait for it to reboot again and togo 5th step
go back to this site and follow all their instructons here ok and ull DONE hehe jsut remember to use ur edited TOT file ok
tell me if it works on you guys
CREDITS to the threads in here i just modified the threads
from xda-developers http://ift.tt/2aKorND
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