Hello All xda members and developers :victory:
Note 5 Marshmallow Launcher 6.0 BETA
Note 5 Marshmallow Launcher 6.0 BETA
We all like what samsung did in it's firmware throw marshmallow and we all hope our s4 and our devices to have marshmallow update,so.. our developers making on port apps from it.
and we started with TouchWizHome2016 the new launcher from samsung So here we go..
This is the real marshmallow launcher ported by @Albe95 not a themed one.
But modified by me to work on our s6 and note5 ported Rom on our S4
1. First realize 2. Grid and Badges support together. 3. Different grid size (4x4/4x5/5x5) 4. MM official Animation 5. New search function 6. Official folders and colors 7. Clock app icon 6.0.1 ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ < For Ale95 N5 port > - Add modded framework-res - Add new 6.0.1 Animations for opening/closing apps - Add 6.0.1 blue switch - fix Splanner icon for 6.0.1 launcher [live] - fix clock icon for 6.0.1 [not live] |
- Accuweather widget will be removed at every reboot - Clock icon not live - a few buggy in animation not all time - Few elements (6/7) are replaced with another with poor quality. No fix until we found how to convert BMP images. - Layout of S-Planner icon may be bugged on XXHDPI phone (S4, S5 and N3) |
1. Go to app manager and clear Cache and Data of Touchwiz Home 2. With a filemanager go to system/priv-app/TouchWizHome_Zero 3. Here delete the existing apk and libs or rename them with .bak extension 4. Download the Zip from Download Link & put it on your device. 5. Boot to recovery and choose Install and search where you put the Zip 6. Tap on it and swipe. Wait until it install the Zip. 4. Reboot and wait that it complete the first boot |
For All S6/N5 Roms
For Ale95 N5 port gt-i9500
(Fixed Splanner and added framework-res with new switch and 6.0.1 Animations)
from xda-developers http://ift.tt/1nqjm0S
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