Friday, January 29, 2016

[Guide]Install Remix OS on a hard disk (including removable ones)

Hi everyone.

In order to make the system fast and stable, the Remix OS wants a USB 3.0 stick. But few people really own one. Though USB 2.0 works too, the writing speed is too low and lags & crashes occurs. And in this guide we will be installing Remix OS on a hard disk, which is even faster than USB 3.0.

In my test (according to Remix OS), a...
USB 2.0 stick has a speed of 4.6M/s
USB 3.0 removable drive has a speed of 21.0M/s
SATA2 SSD Hard Disk has a EXCELLENT speed of 53.0M/s

Your device may even have a better score.


#include <disclaimer.h>
/* I am not responsible for anything that happens to your device
* You are doing this at your own risk.
* If you point at my nose for breaking your device
* I'll laugh at you

As you can see, Remix USB tool is based on unetbootin and they didn't actually modify anything. They only removed some functions. And one of those functions is the ability to install on Hard disks, which is vital for us. So we will be using Unetbootin instead of Remix USB tools

Now let's start
1. Download Remix OS
HTML Code:
and unetbootin
HTML Code:
2. Decompress and navigate to the iso you downloaded. Select Hard Disk from the drop menu, and choose the drive (NOT PARTITON) you wish to install Remix on.
WARNING: Installing on a drive that contains a OS may overwrite its bootloader and makes the OS no longer bootable. To dualboot, choose a standalone drive.

3. Click OK and wait until it finishes.

4. To start Remix OS, press F12 on your (BIOS or UEFI's) booting screen and select the drive you installed on.

That's it. Now you have a Remix OS on a Hard Disk. Like a real computer OS.
Enjoy :) and don't forget to press Thanks

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version Name: Remix.PNG Views: N/A Size: 11.4 KB ID: 3626654   Click image for larger version Name: Unetbootin.PNG Views: N/A Size: 13.1 KB ID: 3626655   Click image for larger version Name: u2.PNG Views: N/A Size: 15.8 KB ID: 3626663  

from xda-developers

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